Thursday, December 1, 2016


11/30/16 11:06pm

Listening to Ritual by Marshmello

Had the good fortune to discover 2 new music artists: Witt Lowry, thanks to Krista and Marshmello thanks to my brother.
I love the majority of both their music.

I had been thinking about getting my associates degree here at CTC and then trying for my bachelors at Texas A&M university, however, recently I have discovered a couple of things that will more than likely persuade me from do that.

First: Found out from my teacher that the majority of my computer science credits will not transfer to A&M, which is the majority of my degree plan. So if I did decide to transfer I might as well be starting from scratch.

Second: The cheapest per year cost of tuition and fees going full time is $10,034 as of 2016. So, at best I come out with a degree and over 40K in debt.

Third: My teacher explained that since A&M is a state run school, they have common core curriculum with is much more generalized in its teaching of subjects, where as CTC is almost like a technical school meant to reach you skills to prepare you for jobs and is more specialized in the subjects it does teach.

After carefully considering each of these points, I believe transferring to Texas A&M would be a bad decision, and a bad investment in my self. I feel I would rather be more confident in my skills and have less of a degree than be less confident in my skills and have more of a degree.
I believe that by studying hard through this degree, along with extensive self study/experimentation/projects afterwards will equip me with enough knowledge and real world experience to get a job.
Also: My teacher recommended that I apply for a lab assistant position that is now open through our school, they have two openings and he thought I might be a good fit. While I love the idea, I doubt I would be accepted because I don’t have a lot of experience, but who knows. It would be a nice way to get my foot in the door of the IT field, even if it was only one day a week.

Finals are almost over with, I just have a few more things to do and my first semester of "real" college will be done! Iv learned so much and come so far from where I was when I first started…it feels nice to be progressing again. Every now and then I go do school work on my computer in the student recreation center. Its full of other people my age just having a fun time, TVs playing the boomerang channel with old cartoons from our youth, pool tables, and various console systems for video games. I love being around so many people being happy, and contrary to popular belief all of the extra activity around helps me actually do my homework. I feel…motivated? I don’t know. Every now and then I even play a round of pool, and interacting with these people who don’t just look through me feels awesome.

Recently…Deanna's phone number was switched off. Maybe she didn’t pay the bill, or some other trivial thing happened like it broke or whatever. However, since I don’t know her email, and she deleted her facebook and tinder accounts a long time ago I no longer have a way to contact her…which is sad. I already miss talking to her, and hope she is okay.
I cant do much from my end, but she knows about this blog and could reach me through here if she really wanted too.
This whole event saddens me…

Work is going fine…a few hiccups here and there, just need to remember to keep my mouth shut and do my job.

Oh, one last thing: Decided to get all 4 of my car tires replaced since they were getting pretty bad, cost just over $400 which is great considering its barely half of what I thought it would be, but all in all still sucked. Meh….dad says to not complain about spending money on things that need to be done, and I do need to take care of my car so….at least the tires are raged for 60,000 miles!