Tuesday, March 21, 2017


3/4/17             5:21pm

Listening to 2017 best of mrsuicidesheep seeking blue releases

So I'm on my way back from a hackathon in austin with some friends from school. Truth is we didn't do a whole lot, of hacking, it was more of an super fast intro to data and querying in the form of traffic data from sensors around austin Texas. The first work shop was terrible because I didn't have any terminal software on my windows computer, but since our ability to effectively participate was hampered so much we installed virtual box and powered up Ubuntu in a virtual machine on each of our laptops which would have allowed us to participate had we done it in time, but alas, it wasn't to be. 
I don't know, really, I thought it was really interesting. Not the best hackathon in the world, but certainly a start.

Aside from having to steadily chug coffee monster drinks to stay awake to catch up on homework, there really isn't a whole lot going on. 

Oh, got a new phone, the nomu s30 from China. It's an Android phone, and I think it's pretty awesome. Microsoft just kept letting me down, the windows phone had to go. Im still going to keep it around in case I ever need the great camera it has.

3/15/17              12:17am

I'm almost 3 weeks behind in my digital systems class, but a week ahead in my office class. I think I might have to drop this ds class, I just don't know…

3/26/17            10:18pm

Listening to: 24/7 Lofi HipHop Radio - Beats to Study & Relax

So it turns out I did end up dropping that class. Everything was fine up until half way into the semester before shit got real. Fell too far behind, and when I went to the teachers office to ask for help/discuss how realistic me passing was he wasn’t there and didn’t answer his phone. I figured I didn’t have time for this, dropped the class, and emailed him why. Will just have to take it again later in a face to face class.

My birthday was on the 17th, had a beer with dad, hated the beer. Bought some chocolate wine thinking I might like it, had half a glass before pouring the bottle in the sink after discovering that I don’t like drinks that taste like semi sweet cough syrup.
Thought I would never drink again until I found some hard root beer at my store, took it home saying "if I don’t like this then that’s it for me and alcohol."

I drank half the case of 6 that night.

Don’t get me wrong, I'm not going to turn into raging alcoholic, but I can see my self having a hard root beer every now and then.
That stuff is nice.

Finally registered my own domain and built website via blogger templates to host my professional blog/portfolio. Even started a YouTube channel to go along with it. Even set up a professional email to use as my main one instead of "kilroywashere21@gmail.com" Will eventually post things and make videos through those mediums related to my journey to become a software developer.

No I will not post links to any of those here.

Which leads me to my last point:

This will be my last journal entry.
Its been…an interesting ride…woah, I'm looking at my post archive now and it says I started back in October of 2015. So almost a year and a half.
Oh how time flies.

If I want to succeed in life I cant keep focusing time and energy on things that aren't helping me to become a better person. I have no need to look over my past, because not only is that not me anymore, its holding me back every time I waste time thinking about it when I could be thinking about who I could be and how to become that person. I will not forget the lessons I have learned since I started this blog, I would like to think that for the most part they have changed me for the better. But there is no use dwelling on the past.

Yesterday is over.
Tomorrow is almost here, and with it shall come new challenges.
Wish me luck.

Cheers :)

Thursday, March 2, 2017


2/9/17                       12:00am

Down loading the Lord of War, "legally" of course.
It amazes me that piracy isn't a bigger issue than it is. God only knows how the music industry manages to stay alive.