Wednesday, February 1, 2017

JE# 32

1/3/17 11:20pm

Listening to Fragile (feat. Hailee Steinfeld)

For Christmas I got a raspberry pi 3, yesterday got a 1TB external hard drive from a pawn shop (previous owner didn’t wipe it before they sold it; meh, no viruses but I did go through their stuff…hey, their fault anyway, I tried to alert who I thought was the previous owner via Facebook to let them know but no response, nothing interesting on it anyway) and spent the time between then and now trying to get it to mount to the pi so I could use it as file server. Only just succeeded about an hour ago. Tomorrow I will start backing up all of my stuff. All in all, I think this was a great educational exercise. Would be nice to see if I can find someplace to print a custom case my new server…

1/4/17 10:04pm

Listening to 'On Pain' -Ernst Junker Book review by Better than food book reviews on YouTube

Backing up a lot of my stuff to my server, taking forever, but so far I have all of my music.

1/10/17 6:49pm

Listening to Indie-Folk Compilation 2014

Allergies combined with nasal congestion have pretty much ruined my day so far. I cant imagine where all of this damned mucus is stored in my head, or how many t-shirts I have had to use as handkerchiefs today. I went to bed at 12am and woke up at 5am because I couldn’t breathe out of my nose, it wasn’t as bad then as it is now; I am literally wearing a (clean) t-shirt tied around my head covering my nose like a bandanna to try and filter out what ever contamination is causing me to have such a bad reaction today, and speaking of allergies, isn't it way to damn early to be going through this?
Its only January!?

Downloading all of my music to my tablet right now through my server, about half way done and everything seems to be working fine.

Got my school books yesterday, was able to rent 2 of them through amazon which saved me about $200, but the rest of my books had to be bought from the school which cost $437. This semester will be the first time I take a full 4 classes, and despite my sudden onset of allergies I still plan to read the first 2 chapters or so of my books in an effort to get a head start. Already finished the first chapter out of my C++ book.

1/16/17 8:42pm

Lets say I finish my degree on time. I self study for a little while, maybe get a good junior position somewhere and start my career in IT.
Is that it?

Lets say I get a wife, we get married and live happily ever after.
Is that it?

Lets say I eventually get promoted, become well off financially and start a family by having a few kids.
Is that it?

Okay, lets say I fulfill my dream, eventually build my little fortress of solitude in some shape or form in some remote place where I can live out the rest of my days without relying on anyone else for anything.
Is that it?

Or maybe I get my own boat, sail around the world.
Is that it?

Will that, any of that, be enough?
I don’t know.

No matter what I imagine, I cant think of anything that would truly make me feel complete.


You know, a movie I have appreciated more every time I watch it is Watchman. I can not express how brilliant I think it is, on par with even the greatest of epics. I especially love what I consider to be the genius of the plight Doctor Manhattan. Its general depiction, though at times most excessive, of a dirty, gritty, and cruel society.


Listen to Tourist by Witt Lowry

School starts tomorrow. I'm…scared.
4 classes…
Cranking things into full gear now. Full steam ahead, there's much work to be done in such a short amount of time. Juggling a part time job with 32 hours a week at the max and 4 classes. I'm scared I wont make it, that I cant do it, that I wont be able to take it, that I might crumble under the weight or not be able to measure up. Hell, they say people have juggled full time jobs and raising a family while getting their degree, so why shouldn't I be able to complete this task I have undertaken?
Why do I feel so inadequate?
Why cant I be one of those guys that are like, "Fuck it, I got this no worries," and not question my own abilities? Why is it that no matter what I do or where I go I still feel like I don’t belong.

1/18/17 9:40pm

Listening to Galaxies by Owl City

Thank god I invested in a comfortable office chair! When not at school today I have spent almost all of my time home here in this chair, and I have to say that although my ass hurts it could be much worse had I bought some cheap garbage to sit in. So far I have read everything required to do the first round of lessons for my classes, the next few days will be focused on actually doing the work assignments them selves. I believe that my digital fundamentals class with its bread boards and wires will be the most complicated and hard to understand. That box kit full of a plethora of electrical components is so…daunting.

2/1/17 8:25pm

Dad caught me jerking off last week, so its been awkward as hell even though we have addressed the issue, severely behind on my reading assignments for class. Discovered Krista isnt really into sex (so she says), but that still doesn’t change the way I feel about her.

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