Wednesday, October 14, 2015


10/8/2015 5:17am

Listening to: This Is War by Thirty Seconds to Mars

I can't stay here forever. Parents don't want me here for any longer than I have to be, and the same goes for me. I'm stagnant now, my whole world is standing still and all I can do is wait. That's what my whole life seems like its about at this point. Waiting, I mean.

I...I honestly don't know where to begin. Do I start with where things went wrong? Because if so then I would have to start at the beginning, all the way back to when I was born. Or maybe farther? It would be unfair of me to pinpoint that specific location in time and space and say, "this here is where it all started, and it was all down hill from this point onward." Unfair to me, unfair to the world. Maybe to really tell you about where and when it all got derailed I would have to go way back, all the way to the beginning, to the fall of Adam and eve. But there is a whole book detailing that and its fallout.

I think I will just say...that we live in an imperfect world full of imperfect people. I know that sounds trivial but if you would just take a minute to think about that statement and all of its implications. Could you understand the gravity of it all? Could you really? Because most days I can barely wrap my head around how far and wide it goes.

-An IMPERFECT world.-

-Full of IMPERFECT people.-

That's 196.9 million square miles of FLAWS.

As of right now that's 7,277,752,758 human beings with FLAWS.

And people wonder why I am a pessimist.

Some people would say that these things are meaningless. But look at the world we have created. Full of war and strife. We have simultaneous outbreaks of both Obesity and Starvation.
I think these things mean everything.

This is the world I live in though, a world that I am a byproduct of. Im not saying its any one persons fault, although some people could definitely be said to hold more blame than others.

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