Friday, January 8, 2016


12/31/2015 9:41pm

Listening to: The annoying music they play on the Wal-Mart radio speakers

So I am at work and am going to get some new razors before my shift starts(update on that as of 1/7/16, apparently They don't make replacement comfort cut razor heads for my norelco 3100 series electric razor, WTF man?), and as I turn the corner I see this probably 15 or 17 year old couple holding hands and smiling as they walked around.
They looked so nice and happy, so comfortable in their relationship.
I hated them.

Guess that's jealousy for you.

1/2/16 2:22am

Listening to: New_Best_Dubstep_Mix_2015_

Since day shift had their own cook out new years day, our managers decided to do the same for our nightshift. I've already had two hamburgers and a cream soda. While its not the best food in the world, I'm not paying for it so I can't complain.
Its good though.

1/7/16 11:17am

Listening to: David Quinn & You Mase - Fake Music

I don't believe I mentioned it earlier, but one of the things I got for Christmas was $175 in Amazon gift cards, which I have so far used to get a kindle basic touch.
Like I said before, I love reading and use to do it a lot, but ever since I got my phone and the flood gates of internet access opened to me I have always put it off, saying things like "I never have the books that I really want to read", despite the many, and I do mean many, books on my book shelf.
Now I don't have that excuse, because resting on my bed next to me as I type this out on my phone sits something that can allow me to access thousands and thousands of books off the world wide web. It Kind of beats paying all that gas money to go to drive to the nearest Barnes & Noble for a wide selection of good books, if you know what I mean.

Truth be told, as much as I like my new kindle, I hate it for the same reason i originally abhorred e-readers as a whole; and that's that they are slowly killing the paper book industry.

The Borders book store chain for example.

remember a few years ago, in Dallas Texas, there was this beautiful two story Borders book store. Its not there anymore of course, oh, the building itself probably is, renovated by who ever bought it, but the Borders Group company went bankrupt in 2011.
Here is a Wikipedia link:

If you want to know who they were and what ultimately happened to them, then click the link above.

Its sad to think about really, for me at least. Barnes & Nobel is one of only major chains left in the USA that I know about, and I can only pray the same thing doesn't happen to them. With the advent of this new and ever more affordable technology, it can only be assumed that more people will gravitate to it, further taking away from the profit of book stores and book publishers as a whole.

Long story short, I don't want paper books to ever go away, because despite how cool eBooks are, if something were to ever happen such as an electro magnetic pulse or the digital dark age...real books would have made it through everything.

I guess I could have just said I don’t want paper books to disappear.

1/8/16 8:38pm

Listening to: Everywhere by Tim McGraw

The first book I bought on my kindle was Stoner by John Williams, recommended to me by a channel of YouTube called Better than food Book reviews. I finished it in roughly 4 days.
It was good.
Now I am reading The Book of Disquiet by Fernando Pessoa, and that’s definitely going to be a chore to get through.

You know, for a while I wanted to create my own YouTube channel, though I don’t really know what I would use it for…maybe as a vlog, or book review channel…I don’t really know. It never came to fruition though, I don’t believe I have the face or voice for camera. Being too thin skinned too, I would be to influenced by the inevitable trolls that would visit me, and ultimately give up anyway.

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